Monday, May 09, 2005

Rahfeal Gordon, CEO & Founder of Infinite Productions

We're reaching 20 minutes before the top of the hour. "A fellow doesn't last long on what he has done. He has to keep on delivering." -Carl Hubbell (1903-1988)American baseball player, Hall of Fame pitcher

Recently, I had an opportunity to meet a young, but very ambitious entrepreneur named Rahfeal Gordon . Applying principles learned while attending and since graduating from the National Foundation for Teaching Entrepreneurship, Rahfeal has developed a very successful business. Thanx Rahfeal, for joining us in the studio today.
What is the name of your company and what products or services does it provide?
The name of my company is Infinite Productions. We provide event planning and promotion/marketing strategies to individuals/companies.
Tel: (973)449-5607 Email:

What role do you play in your organization?
I am the chief executive office (CEO) and founder of the company

As a successful person, how did you get started?
I started at in the 7th grade promoting house parties. Then in high school I began having parties in local clubs and developing events for my high school class.

How did you learn what it takes to succeed?
I learned what it takes to succeed by reading books and developing a sense of character by going to business/entrepreneur seminars. I also watched interviews of those who broke boundaries and raised the bar in the business world.

What personal/family activities do you enjoy?
I enjoy playing basketball, going to church, and going out with family.

What experiences in your life have helped you expand who you are as a person?
My struggling experiences have helped me. They have helped me learn from my mistakes. My childhood experience has also expanded who I am because I did not have the finer things in life so I made a commitment to become the example of the finer things in life.

What are your concerns about the world today?
My concern is the direction to achieve unity and peace within the world. My concern is also the ending of the war that is in the present day. I don't like negativity so anything to end it I would like to be apart of it.

If you had all the time and all the money you needed, what types of things would you do?
I would build a university for entrepreneurs, establish a mall, and develop a gated housing community. I would also like to own five (5) different condos in five (5) different cities, go on a promotional tour around the world to promote myself. To top off everything, I would make sure my immediate family has a house.

Are there any tips or advice you would like to offer people?
Faith without action is dead. I would also give the advice that you can do or be whoever you want as long as you take your own advice.

Are people more interesting than product stories?
Yes they are.

What are your goals and aspirations for the future?
To become the Greatest Business Man in America while showing the urban youth they can anything the dream.

What obstacles do you have to overcome to achieve your goals?
The obstacle is I because only I can determine my future of achievement.

Which people have been role models to you?
Magic Johnson, Jay-Z, Opera, theRockafellass

What are your favorite books, computer programs, or forms of entertainment?
Fabulous Lifestyle (VH1), Rich Dad Poor Dad, Think and Grow Rich, Clubbing/Concerts

What is it that you are most passionate about or gives you the greatest enjoyment in life?
I am most passionate about mentoring the youth and being the role model for those less fortunate.

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