Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Ali T. Curi, President & Founder of Hispanic Professionals Networking Group

It's 10 minutes before the hour. Smile today. It's contagious.

I recently had the opportunity to meet a very dynamic individual, Ali T. Curi. His energy and genuine interest in making me feel comfortable at a HPNG G event was very heart warming. I'm excited about HPNG being on the move in various states throughout the United States with a focus on empowering Latino professionals. Thanx for joining our show today Ali.

What is the name of your company and what products or services does it provide?

Hispanic Professionals Networking Group, we mostly go by HPNG www.hpng.net. We're a networking group for Hispanic professionals of all industries. We also ask Latino leaders to speak at our events to share their personal story and tell us what their organization or company is doing for the Hispanic community. We've been around for almost two years.

What role do you play in your organization?
I'm the President and Founder - Ali@hpng.net

As a successful person, how did you get started?
I just acted. I didn't give it too much thought, otherwise I'd still be thinking about it. Success is also the sum of all parts, so I'd say my fellow co-founders of HPNG were instrumental in helping me succeed. Don't think about how tough its going to be, think about how to solve the problem.

How did you learn what it takes to succeed?
Sounds cliche, but never giving up. You have to keep your "eye on the prize" in order to know there will be success in two months or two years. The lesson however, is to get up everday and putting in a few more hours and few more ideas.

What personal/family activities do you enjoy?
Personal activities...? What's that? Because I work in events, quiet time is always special. I enjoy doing things in the Summer, but otherwise, I'm usually pretty focused on "the prize." What experiences in your life have helped you expand who you are as a person? Experiencing everything at least once. I really gives you a different perspective than playing it "safe." The trick is to learn from it and applying the lessons.

What are your concerns about the world today?
That we don't portray enough young people as role models for our future leaders. That being mean, vengeful and spiteful, as portrayed in "reality" shows, is considered accepted behavior.

If you had all the time and all the money you needed, what types of things would you do? Consider money as no object.
I'd like have an organization that offers people to take an all-expense paid "time off" from their lives to do 3 things they've always wanted to do. That would make me happy, to see others taking action towards their dreams, writing a book, exploring Africa, etc. Don't get me wrong, I'd go with them on the safari.

Are there any tips or advice you would like to offer people?
Don't hang around negative people, they will drain you. Hang around positive, hard-working people, they will inspire you.

Are people more interesting than product stories?
Some are, but I've met a few where I'd rather hear about product stories. But as a whole, yes, the people factor ranks up there.

What are your goals and aspirations for the future?
My professional goals are to have an HPNG Chapter in every major city in the U.S. with a high Hispanic population. We're opening our Miami Chapter in April of this year. I believe you can't build unity until people really take time to talk to each other. All this great technology will never replace the experience of, let's say, a networking event where you "connect" at a different level than online communications.

What obstacles do you have to overcome to achieve your goals?
Re-assuring people that connecting in person is a good thing.

Which people have been role models to you?
My dad and Professor Carl Sagan. I learned from my father that people will know when you're truly happy with yourself, in turn, those good feelings are contagious. I learned from Dr. Sagan to look at the skies and seek inspiration.

What are your favorite books, computer programs, or forms of entertainment?
I love reading biographies about famous people. I have a facination with Andy Warhol.

What is it that you are most passionate about or gives you the greatest enjoyment in life?
My family, my friends and HPNG. In that order.

Ali T. Curi, President HPNG New York
Email: ali@hpng.net

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